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Aprenda Ingles Online Podcast – EP.O1 – Como Usar o Excuse Me?

Aprenda Ingles Online Podcast – EP.01 – Como Usar o Excuse Me? by Inglês Online com Cambly


Podcast: Aprenda inglês online. The best way to improve your English.

Teacher Ca: Hello. Welcome to Aprenda Inglês Online Podcast. I’m your hosts Teacher Ca and I’m here to help you improve your English.

Teacher Ca: No episódio de hoje, Vamos falar sobre um tema muito interessante e muitas vezes confuso na cabeça de muitos estudantes da língua inglesa. Iremos falar do famoso e, muito usado, Excuse me.

M: Excuse me, sir.

Teacher Ca: Excuse me significa Desculpa ou Com Licença. Vai depender do contexto mesmo. Conversei com um professor do Cambly para nos ajudar a esclarecer como podemos usar o Excuse Me de uma forma mais certa e até mesmo educada.

F: Excuse me.

Teacher Ca: Para quem ainda não conhece este é o blog do Cambly, a melhor plataforma de inglês online para quem quer fazer uma aula com professores nativos. Muito fácil. Você pode fazer a qualquer hora do dia. Caso tenha um tempo livre, você pode parar e faz suas aulas com os nativos. É só ir lá no Cambly.

Teacher Ca: Vamos conferir como foi nossa aula com o professor Gaspard do Cambly?

M: Let it begin.

Gaspard: Hello.

Teacher Ca: Hey, how are you?

Gaspard: I’m great. Thank you. How are you?

Teacher Ca: I’m great too. I wish you could help me.

Gaspard: Ok.

Teacher Ca: How can I use Excuse Me in different places, different situations? Can you, please, tell me?

Gaspard: Yes. Sure. Of course. Well, Excuse Me probably, it’s mostly used when you’re walking past somebody. When somebody is in your way or you are in their way.

Teacher Ca: Yes.

Gaspard: Then you say Excuse Me. For example: Let’s say that there is a lot of people in the shop chip and you’re in the store. You want to get something from the shelf and they are in your way. Then you can say Excuse me. For instance: “Excuse me. Thank you.”

So you’re, basically, telling the person: I’m sorry to bother you. I need to get that.

So you can say Excuse Me. That’s the most common situation in which Excuse Me is used.

Teacher Ca: No primeiro exemplo do professor Gaspard, vamos dizer que eu estou em uma loja, cheia de gente, e eu quero pegar alguma coisa que está na prateleira, e na frente desta prateleira tem bastante gente. Como alcançar o que eu quero e o que irei dizer nesta hora? Excuse me.

Eu vou estar me desculpando, por estar atrapalhando as pessoas que estão na frente, para eu alcançar algo desejado. Então, eu já começo a frase falando Excuse Me.

Esta é a primeira dica do professor Gaspard.

In informal situations like, in a roadway, Isn’t there a way, sarcastically, to say Excuse Me?

Gaspard: Yes. You can use it sarcastically as well.

Let’s say I wanna surprise you. Let’s suppose I’m your boyfriend, or your husband, and I want to surprise you with a supper or a nice food that I’ve made. I want to surprise you when you come home. It’s Friday night and see everything looks very pretty, and all the foods is ready. I did a lot of food. I’ve put a lot of effort to it. So, when you get home, you say: “What did you do this all is for?”

Then I say: “I wanted to surprise you.”

How do you know I was going to be this hungry? You’re acting kind of mean.

And I say: excuse me. I was trying to do something nice.

This way it’s sarcastically. That’s the perfect situation to use Excuse Me sarcastically.

It means: hey forgive me, in a sarcastic way.

It’s, basically, saying: you’re treating me exactly the opposite way of how you should.

But you should be saying: thank you. Instead, you’re making seem like I did something bad.

So, that’s how we say Excuse Me sarcastically. It’s like saying: You think I did something bad, you’re acting like it. So Excuse Me. It’s sarcasm.

Teacher Ca: Ok.

Teacher Ca: Aqui o uso do Excuse Me está sendo usado de uma maneira irônica, sarcástica, como por exemplo: ele cozinha pra mim, faz um jantar maravilhoso, cheia de comida gostosa. Eu chego em casa e digo: “Como você sabe que eu estou com fome o suficiente para comer isso tudo? Como você sabe que estou com toda esta fome?”

E ele fez no intuito de me agradar. Então, ele diz: Excuse Me. Do tipo: como assim? Eu fiz tudo pra você e você fala assim comigo?

Então, ele usa o Excuse Me de uma maneira bem mais informal, uma forma mais irônica.

Teacher Ca: Is there any other way to use it?

Gaspard: Let me ensure you this: The word Excuse Me means to forgive someone, to give them an excuse.

Do you understand that?

Teacher Ca: Yes.

Gaspard: Ok. Because that’s what it means! For example: listen. I have to leave early, is there a problem? No. You’re excused. Or If you arrive late at work because you were sick, no problem. You’re excused.

If you come home one day and you are in a bad mood, somebody did something to you, you can say: “sorry for acting like that!” Another person can answer: That’s ok. You’re excused.

It means: I forgive you.

Teacher Ca: Ok. Could you tell me examples where Excuse Me is used in situations like: can you say it again? Could you repeat, please?

Gaspard: Yes. That’s another way. When somebody says something to you and you do not understand, you can say: excuse me.

Even though, you are not asking to repeat it, everybody knows it. If someone is talking to you and you say Excuse Me, that means: forgive me. I do not understand what you’re saying, or I didn’t hear you.

Excuse me, it’s also used commentated. Let’s see how also Excuse Me is used. We saw that can be used sarcastically, when you want someone to repeat something and when someone is in your way.

That’s all the situations I can think of. When someone is in your can be applied to many situations.

When you want to get water from the faucet or sink and someone is there washing the dishes, you say Excuse Me, to get some water, because that person is in your way.

Teacher Ca: You can use it when asking people for information, for example, on the streets.

Gaspard: Yes. Again, that’s because you are, actually, saying: forgive me for bothering you. So you say: excuse me. Do you know where this is?

Teacher Ca: It’s very important to use it, right?

Gaspard: Yes. It’s important because it shows courtesy. Do you know what courtesy means?

Teacher Ca: Yes.

Gaspard: So, that’s why it’s so important. Also, if two people are talking and you need to interrupt them. So you can say: excuse me, can I help you with this? Or if there are two people in a store, they’re talking and you’re working there, you can say: excuse me, can I help you with something? So, that’s another situation.

Teacher Ca: Is there any other information related to use Excuse Me you wanna tell me?

Gaspard: Yes. Just one more. For example: when you do something that is not appropriate, that’s similar to what we were talking, about bothering someone, just do not use it if you have a better idea. Let’s suppose that I lend you something, I gave you something to use, and you say: “I ruin it back to you tomorrow.” The next day arrived and you do not give me back. You give him back after two days. You can say: “excuse me for taking so long.” Again, it just means: forgive me. Just another situation for using it. Another example: “sorry for not calling you yesterday. I’m calling you today.”

Do Brazilians use that phrase much; it’s equivalent in Portuguese?

Teacher Ca: Well, if we translate it, we can do it as Sorry. I was reading about it, and it does not mean Sorry, it’s more like Forgive me, right?

Gaspard: Exactly. The right translation wouldn’t be Sorry,  because that word it’s an adjective. Excuse Me it’s a phrase, otherwise specified, a verb. You can say: “I’m sorry about that or I’m sorry to hear this, I’m sorry for doing that.” But it is different.

Teacher Ca: That’s why we want to focus on this few issues we have in English. We want to focus on this details, like Sorry, Excuse Me. When to use them. This kind of things.

Gaspard: Ok. I understand because I also speak Spanish, Italian fluently, and there is some things you cannot translate directly, it will not make sense. Italian, for example, it’s just questions. That’s the way they say speak. For instance: when you want someone to repeat something and you say Excuse Me, it’s more like a reassurance: excuse me, can you repeat that? Or excuse me, I didn’t understand.

However, in English, like I said, so often we say Excuse Me and the person just know that we didn’t understand. So, if you don’t know that, you might not understand what they mean it. It can be confusing.

Well, that’s it. It’s just a question of habit, being in that situation often. Can I help you with anything else?

Teacher Ca: No. That’s it. Maybe I’ll ask for help other times because I’ll, probably, talk to you in another day.

Gaspard: Ok.

Teacher Ca: When is it more easy to catch you around here?

Gaspard: Usually, I’m on Cambly by from 7:00 Am until 3:00 pm, Central Standard Time. I think that in Brazil it’s two hours ahead. Also, you can always send me a message saying: “when you going to be online or something?”. I’ll be here always from Monday to Friday, a couple of hours in the weekend. Like I said, if you need me just send me a message I’ll get you in touch shortly.

Teacher Ca: I will, probably, send you a message before asking, telling you which topic to talk about. I think it’s easier, isn’t it?

Gaspard: Yes. Of course. It’s easier because you kind know immediately what to say, but one of the things about English is that it can be a little complicated. I’ll give you an example. Sometimes people say: “tell me some English phrases.” But in English we have so many slangs. Do you know the word (inint) [00:14:12] when somebody ask you a question.

Teacher Ca: Yes. That’s why I think it’s a good idea send you a message and tell you what we are going to talk about. I think you’ll be ready to tell me the things I’m looking for.

Gaspard: Absolutely. That helps a lot. Like I said, especially with the English. Somebody the other days said: “I see people using the word Give, in different ways, like Give up. What does that mean?” I said: well, to give in, to give away, to give up, that all means different things.

So, it does help when I know beforehand.

Anything you need help just let me know. It’ll be my pleasure.

Teacher Ca: Ok. Of course. Thank you a lot. I don’t know exactly when I’ll be back, so I will let you know.

Gaspard: That’s great. I’ll be here.

Teacher Ca: Ok. Thank you again.

Gaspard: Have a great day.

Teacher Ca: You too.

Gaspard: Bye bye.

Teacher Ca: Bye bye. Thank you.

Teacher Ca: Então pessoal, você acabaram de ouvir nossa aula com um professor do Cambly, que nos mostrou as mais variadas formas de usar o Excuse Me. Espero que tenhamos conseguido te ajudar a deixar um pouco mais claro quando usar o Excuse Me. Você entenderam? Aguardo vocês aqui comigo nos próximos episódios do aprenda Inglês online podcast. E para quem quiser fazer uma aula experimental com o professor Gaspard, ou qualquer outro tutor do Cambly, é só usar nosso código TeacherCa, e ganhar uma aula grátis. Anotou o nosso código? É TeacherCa. Escreva teacher, depois c e a, tudo junto.

É só acessar Cambly.com, ou baixe o app do Cambly e faça sua aula.

Eu sou a Teacher Ca e espero vocês no próximo episódio. Bye.


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