Ep.18 – Aprenda expressões em inglês com cores no Cambly

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Ep.18 – Aprenda expressões em Inglês com cores no Cambly

Teacher Ca: Podcast – Aprenda Inglês Online. The best way to improve your English.
What’s up guys? Eu sou a Teacher Ca e hoje vamos falar de expressões usadas com cores, color
idioms. E para aumentar seu domínio no idioma e ajudar você a falar Inglês como nativo, falamos
com o professor Leo, do Cambly – C-A-M-B-L-Y; a melhor plataforma de Inglês online para quem
quer falar Inglês cada vez melhor. Use o nosso código TeacherCa – Teacher C-A – e tenha uma
experiência totalmente grátis. Lembrando que o Cambly tem aulas de Inglês voltada para crianças,
o seu pequeno, o Cambly Kids. E hoje veremos como podemos usar algumas cores para descrever
uma situação, uma pessoa ou algo. Let’s see.

M: Let it begin.

Teacher Ca: Hi Leo. Can you please tell me about color expressions in English?

Leo: Absolutely. We can go ahead and talk about color expressions. Sometimes colors relates to
maybe a feeling, a mood. When we’re talking about something, could be an object, could be a
place, we can relate to color when it comes to it, especially green. Green it’s something that we
use a lot. It’s very common. We can relate it to trees, we can relate it to novae, a beginner too. We
can use it in many ways. For example: “I’m new to this. I’m green” I need to come upright, like on
fruits, or something is green, I need sometimes to get an idea of what you’re trying to do. Let’s
say you say: “Let’s give him a chance”, he’s still green, he’s still nob, his still learning. So he needs
to grow.
So I’d relate green to that especially when it comes to someone who needs to develop.
We also relate green to money, we relate to many other things.

Teacher Ca: As cores podem estar relacionadas a sentimentos, a humor, e também podemos
relacionar a lugares e objetos. A cor green/verde é muito usada pois está relacionada a àrvores e
coisas que estão iniciando; nob/o início. Quando dizemos: “I’m green”, significa que eu sou
novato, que eu estou iniciando algo. Pode-se também comparar a uma fruta que está verde e
ainda precisa de um tempo para ficar boa e madura. Podemos dizer tambpem: “Let’s give hime a
chance”/Vamos dar a ele uma chance, “he’s still green”/ele ainda está imaturo, ainda é um novato
na situação. “He’s still a nob”/ Ele ainda é novato, “He needs to grow”/ Ele precisa crescer.
Então, usamos o ‘green’ para descrever alguém que precisa ser mais madura, que precisa se
desenvolver ainda.

Leo: Another color that I would like to mention about could be ‘red’. We relate ‘red’ I would say
blood, we relate ‘red’ to somebody that is in a bad mood. For instance: “I’m feeling red”. That
happens because your face turns red, like: “You look red like a tomato”. It’s an expression which
you can relate it to somedoby that is not in a good mood. A red color which mean a red flag, an
Red could be something that needs people’s attention, like: “This is very important” like a ‘red’
light blinking. So I would relate that to ‘red’ as well.

Teacher Ca: Relacionamos a cor ‘red’/vermelha com blood/sangue. E também a alguém que esteja
de mal humor, por exemplo: “I’m feeling red”/ Eu estou com raiva, tipo, estou com mal humor. A
expressão ‘red flag’, por exemplo, é tipo uma emergência. Então usamos ‘red flag’ para
emergência. O ‘red’ pode ser algo que precise da atenção das pessoas, para mostrar que algo é
muito importante. O Leo mencionou ‘red light blinking’/luz vermelha piscando; para chamar a
atenção das pessoas.

Leo: Another color I would say ‘blue’. This one I like to express it ‘blue’ like the sky, especially if we
talk about light blue. Let’s say it’s like ‘peace’. I would like to say like ‘relax’. It’s like there’s nothing
going on, nothing interesting, nothing bad either. You’re neutral, in the middle. For instance: “I
feel blue” or “I’m out of blue”. It means I’m in the middle of nothing; nothing too good or too bad.
Just neutral like a car. You’re not going forward or backward, you just settle out of place and
whatever happens outside it’s not my problem.

Teacher Ca: Quando usamos a ‘color blue’/a cor azul, especialmente o azul claro/’light blue’, por
exemplo, a expressão: “Blue like the sky”, quer dizer ‘relaxado’. E seu eu falar: “It’s been blue”, eu
estou dizendo que nada está acontecendo, nada de bom e nada de ruim. Um dia neutro.

Leo: Another one is Pink. That one I was actually reading on it yesterday, and that’s a big
coincidence because yesterday I was reading an article about some colors and pink color really got
my attention because it means healthy and that’s something that I just learned yesterday. Actually
I do have a red in front of me when it comes to pink, It says pink is a lighter kind of red, people
sometimes say that’s pink and the pink when they aren’t in good health. The expression was first
used in America at the beginning of the 20th century. It probably comes from the fact that many
babies are born with a nice pink color. They (also) [00:07:04] are in good health. They kind of
related to the babies. When they born they have a pink, redness color and it actually gave us the
idea that if you’re feeling ‘pink’ or if you’re in the ‘pink’, you are healthy. You’re not complaining,
you’re not worried about anything, (inint) [00:07:27] your health.

Teacher Ca: Curioso aqui é que o Leo quando foi falar da cor Pink, ele disse que leu sobre estar cor
ontem, e que quer dizer saúde, uma coisa saudável. Se alguém disser: “I’m in the pink”, quer dizer
que a pessoa está saudável e que a saúde dela está igual à de um bebê.
O Leo disse que essa expressão é muito usada para falar que a pessoa está saudável, “I’m feeling
pink” or “I’m in the pink”/estou saudável, estou com a saúde igual à de um neném.

Leo: There are many colors which we can relate to expressions like ‘Brown’. This one is not about a
feeling. ‘Brown’ is an expression more related to a reduction or a electric power. For example, if we
say: “It’s been brown”, it means that our electricity is lowering. It can be also related to the weather
when it’s very windy. Sometimes the electricity goes on and off, or the lights are actually…

Another situation is ‘brown out’. If you’re in a place with such a storm or very windy, a family
member calls you or a friend and say: “How’s it going over there?” You can say: The electricity is
been ‘brown out’. It’s just beeing fluctuating open now.

Teacher Ca: A cor Brown não está relacionada a sentimentos. Se eu disser: “It’s been brown” quer
dizer que a energia elétrica está diminuindo. Pode-se dizer que quando está chovendo, ventando
muito, a energia elétrica está oscilando, eu posso falar: “The electricity has been ‘brown out’”.
Aqueles dias que chovem bastante e alguém da sua família te liga pra perguntar como está. Você
pode dizer: “The electricity has been ‘brown out’”


Leo: There’s ‘yellow’. I really like this one. We can relate ‘yellow’ to daylight, when it’s sunny but
it’s a really dimming too. It’s like the sun is going down and outside looks like kind of ‘yellow’.
Another way we can relate to ‘yellow’, let’s say “I’m feeling a little ‘yellow’”. It’s not you’re feeling
bad. But you’re kind of worried. You’re worried about something, maybe not dangerous, maybe
you’re just waiting for an answer of the interview. Or you still gonna have an interview or
presentation; “I’m kind of ‘yellow’, kind of worried, kind of nervous. It’s not a bad thing, it’s just
you’re in a situation or you have a feeling about the nervousness that you don’t know which way will
go. You might get a Yes, you might get a No. So, In the ‘yellow’ area is like, I don’t know.
Teacher Ca: E podemos dizer: “I’m feeling a little ‘yellow’”. Não significa que eu esteja me sentindo
mal, e sim preocupado. Por exemplo: “I’m feeling ‘yellow’” porque eu tenho uma prova
importante pra fazer hoje à noite; “I’m a little ‘yellow’”, então eu estou um pouco preocupada,
nervosa, com esta prova. “I’m kind of ‘yellow’”, estou nervosa com esta prova. Então o
‘yellow’quer dizer ‘nervoso’, no sentido de estar preocupado com alguma coisa.

Leo: Let’s going back to the ‘green’ and the reason is because I missed one point. Somebody that
likes to recycle paper, somebody that likes to re-use paper. Sometimes you’re painting a paper
and instead of throwing the paper away you’d like to use the other side, “you’re very ‘green’”,
you’re protecting tress. I can say that you are very ‘green’ when you try to use as much as you can
a paper or car box, something that comes from trees. Because you’re trying to avoid those cases
where they are a cutting tress or papers, napkins, or boxes. Somebody that likes to recycle. Also
related to ‘green’ color.

Teacher Ca: O Leo voltou para a cor favorita dele que é o ‘green’. Por exemplo, a pessoa pode
dizer “I’m very green”, então ela usa os papéis o máximo que pode, se preocupa com reciclagem,
se preocupa com o meio ambiente. Essa pessoa é ‘green’.

Teacher Ca: So, thanks a lot. Have a nice week.

Leo: You guys have a wonderful day.

Teacher Ca: Thank you. Bye, bye.

Leo: You’re welcome. Bye, bye.

Teacher Ca: Essa foi nossa conversa com o teacher Leo do Cambly. Espero que tenham gostado. Eu
sou a Teacher Ca e aguardo vocês aqui no próximo episódio.
Bye, Bye.

Teacher Ca: You can, You Cambly.

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