Ep.26 Aprender Inglês: O que é HOMECOMING? Conheça essa Tradição Americana!


Ep.26 Aprender Inglês: O que é HOMECOMING? Conheça essa Tradição Americana! Aprender inglês online com podcasts!

Teacher Ca: Podcast – Aprenda Inglês Online. The best way to improve your English.
Hello guys welcome. Bem-vindos eu sou a Teacher Ca e hoje nós vamos falar sobre o Homecoming
week. Você já ouviu falar sobre o Homecoming week? Hoje falamos com tutora Leyen do Cambly –
que é a melhor plataforma de Inglês online para quem quer aprender Inglês com nativos e a
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Então vamos falar com a tutora Leyen para explicar umm pouco para gente por quê os alunos
ficam tão empolgados nessa época do ano, no começo de Outubro ou final de Setembro. Os
alunos estão super empolgados nessa semana. Por que eles ficam tão empolgados na época do

M: Let it begin.

Teacher Ca: Hello, hi.

Leyen: Hi, how are you?

Teacher Ca: I’m great and you?

Leyen: I’m doing well. Thank you.

Teacher Ca: Can you tell us a little bit about Homecoming?

Leyen: Yes. So, Homecoming is a high-school tradition. In America, in my region, which is the
midwest, Homecoming is a week-long event. It’s a week-long event that leads up to one football
game. Not a soccer game, an America football game, where you have the linebacker, the
fullback, there’s two teams, kind of like Rugby. And each school usually has a theme. I went
through it. When I was at high school, my brother and my sister as a senior in high school. So
that was her last one.

Teacher Ca: O Homecoming é uma tradição de ensino médio, colegial, the High-School. É um
evento que dura uma semana, por isso Homecoming week, onde acontece o grande jogo de
futebol americano entre alunos.

Leyen: During Homecoming there’s always a theme. This year their theme was ‘Decade’s Passed’
because is almost 2020, is almost a new decade. Each class, freshmen, juniors and seniors, they’ll
all pick a decade, and Hannah who was at senior and my sister, her theme was 60’s. So like I said,
every grade has a picked decade. Seniors, as my sister, they picked 60’s. So when their day came
around they had to dress like they’re from the ’60s.

Teacher Ca: Cada ano o Homecoming tem um tema. E esse ano, por exemplo, na escola da irmã
dela o tema foi sobre as décadas passadas, porque já estamos quase na próxima década. Cada
turma pegou uma década. Isso vai de acordo com cada escola e o ano também.
Então a turma da irmã dela pegou, por exemplo, os anos 60. Eles tiveram que se vestir de acordo
com os anos 60.

Leyen: Now as I said, it is a week-long event. It’s a big deal. So, on Monday they had American
Pride Day. So there wore things that were red, white and blue. They would wear things that had
the American flag on it.

Teacher Ca: Como é um evento de uma semana, na segunda-feira, por exemplo, eles tiverem o
American Pride Day/Dia Do Orgulho Americano, em que eles vestem roupas com cores do país,
eles usam coisas relativas ao país, a América; então cores da bandeira, vermelho, azul, branco,
eles usam coisas assim.

Leyen: They have like a little fun day. So Tuesday they have just like a Redneck day. You have to
remember I live in the midwest. So a Redneck is someone who is seen as a farmer but like they
have bad teeth, they drink a lot of beer, they party a lot, they have a drawl, they maybe don’t have
the best teeth. So it’s kind of a fun day. They wear plaid and overalls and a trucker hat. I know
some boys that put coffee grounds on their lit to make seem like they’re smoking tobacco. That
doesn’t last long before the principal making them take it out.

Teacher Ca: No segundo dia, na terça-feira, por exemplo, eles se vestiram de uma forma
engraçada, descontraída, the Redneck Day. Que eles dizem ser visto como fazendeiros, que
bebem, que tem dentes estragados, gostam de festas, usam xadrez, chapéis, se vestem de uma
forma bem descontraída.

Leyen: Then on Wednesday, they also had a day, I don’t know what they did. When I was in school
we always had a Pijama Day or dress like an animal day. I think yesterday was like a Pijama Day for

Teacher Ca: A quarta-feira é o dia em que eles usam pijamas ou então eles usam uma roupa
parecida com animais, como se eles fossem um animal. Mas, geralmente, eles usam pijamas,
pantufas, como se estivessem saído da cama.

Leyen: Today was their Decade Day. So got to dress like somebody from the ’90s, the ’80s, ’70s
and the 60’s. Hannah went as Twiggy which was an American model in the ’60s. So she had the
pretty face skirt, she had the go-go boots, the tank top, and the cardy game, and long hair. She
looks very cute, she looks very ’60s.

Teacher Ca: A quinta-feira é o dia do tema, que no caso da escola da irmã da Leyen, é o the
Decade Day/o Dia da Década, que cada turma iria usar uma década, os anos 80, 90, 70, 60. No
caso, a irmã da Leyen usou uma roupa parecida com uma modelo dos anos 60 que foi da turma
dela. Então vai depender de cada turma. Cada turma irá vestir uma década.
Leyen: Friday like I said that is the biggest day of the week. That is school pride day. Our mascot is
a panther, like the black panther. So they will wear black (angle the tier), they’ll wear

things that say panther, a central panther on it, a lot of them wore (eggs) [00:06:22] that are black
and gold, they’ll paint their faces.
Teacher Ca: A sexta-feira é o maior dia para eles, o maior o melhor, é o School Pride Day/Dia do
Orgulho da Escola. O dia em que eles vão usar as roupas das cores da escola, que eles usam da cor
do mascote. O mascote deles, no caso, é uma pantera negra. Então eles usam roupas de pantera,
roupas relacionada a isso. Eles se vestem dessa forma: usam perucas, pintam os rostos.

Leyen: It’s a big deal. Friday is the day of properly. That is a big celebration with the
whole school. The football boys usually have, we call it, (Mister Central Pedeant) [00:07:08] or
they come out dress in drag. They will put on like ‘Miss USA’ or ‘Miss Universe Pageant’. It’s just a
fun thing. Usually, they crown a senior boy.
Friday is always (properly) [00:07:19] day. So, after school everyone goes home, just to get ready
and come bacc and go to the game. Friday night is the big football game. And when I say ‘the big
football game’ I mean the entire community comes out. My community is made up of four small
town (of bunch to no on school) [00:07:38]. So people bring their grandparents, they bring their
uncles, brothers and sisters who have graduated. They bring them to the game. I will be there. I
graduated in 2013. I’ll come to it. And then I’ll [dress in my century stuff] [00:07:52] and watch the
game. That’s when they also crown the Homecoming King and Queen. Those – the Homecoming
King and Queen – is a senior selected by their peers.

Teacher Ca: Na sexta tem a grande comemoração com a escola toda (peperoly) [00:08:05]. Os
meninos do football elegem um ‘senior boy’ que é um aluno que está terminando o High-School,
como o (Mister Central Pigeant) [00:08:14] do futebol Americano; uma coisa engraçada. E na sexta
à noite é o dia do grande jogo de futebol; futebol americano. O grande jogo do Homecoming é um
futebol americano onde toda a comunidade vai ao jogo, com familiares e amigos. Eles coroam um
‘Homecoming King’ que é o rei do Homecoming, e uma ‘Homecoming Queen’ a rainha.
É uma noite em que todos comemoram muito.

Leyen: It’s basically a giant popularity contest. They also at that night will acknowledge all the
football players, acknowledge the band and then they play the game. It’s just a typical football
game, if we win, that’s amazing. Everyone goes home. A lot of times the kids go to a party, even
not supposed to, but they will. Unfortunately, that is part of our tradition. And then in the next
day, Saturday, it’s the dance. That’s the big day if you’re the girl. Because you have to get your hair
done, you have to make sure your makeup is done. My sister’s boyfriend goes to a different school
so they are having to go around each other schedule’s. They will take pictures and they go to the
dance. The dance is usually around 3 hours is at the High-Shool in the gym. That’s decorated.

Teacher Ca: No sábado é o grande dia porque é o Homecoming dance, é a dança do Homecoming,
que é o baile de ‘Boas-vindas’ pra eles e que a escola toda pode ir o que difere do Prom. O Prom,
na verdade, é direcionado para o último ano do colegial. E o Homecoming não, pode ser pra toda
escola. Pode ir pessoas de outros lugares, não tem problema. Então esse é um dia especial para as
meninas, que se arrumam todas. E eles fazem o Homecoming dance.

Leyen: And after that Homecoming is over for another year. There’s a difference between
Homecoming night, as in the game, and the senior night. The senior night at a football game is
when is literally all about the seniors. At my school we make giant posters of all the seniors, we lie
the football field with them and we also take big pictures of the band and post seniors pictures of
the band members. Because they’re big part of it as well.

The Homecoming dance is for all students. So freshmen through seniors can attend. As I said my
sister has a boyfriend who goes to another school. If your boyfriend or girlfriend goes to another
school, you can bring them. You don’t have to have a date. You can come by yourself. I went by
myself every year untill I was at senior. Sometimes it’s more fun that way.
Prom is bigger in the sense of the actual dance. There is no big lead up to Prom. Prom’s just like
the icing on the top of the cake for the end of the year.

Teacher Ca: Essa foi a nossa conversa com a tutora Leyen do Cambly. Espero que tenham gostado.
Eu sou a Teacher Ca e espero vocês aqui no próximo episódio. Take care.
You can, you Cambly.


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