
Principais Phrasal Verbs: Letra T

Você conhece quais são os principais Phrasal Verbs (Verbos Frasais em inglês) usados por nativos com a letra T?

Nosso time do Blog Inglês Online contou com a ajuda de vários professores de inglês nativos para fazer essa listinha! Veja aqui os verbos frasais que todo mundo precisa saber para ter uma conversação fluente em inglês! Confere só!

Dando continuidade na noss lista dos principais phrasal verbs em inglês, chegamos a letra T. Conheça nesse post, alguns exemplos reais em inglês, definições e usos para os verbos frasais!

Para começar nossa lista de phrasal verbs, selecionamos os verbos frasais em inglês com TAKE:

TAKE AFTER + Resemble a parent or relative I take after my father. Who do you take after?
TAKE * BACK + Retract something you said I demand you take back what you said.
TAKE * BACK + Return an item to a store This red dress doesn’t fit, I’ll have to take it back and exchange it for the blue one.
TAKE * DOWN + Write down what is said Would you mind taking down my messages while I am on vacation?
TAKE * IN + Learning Are you taking in all this phrasal verbs?
TAKE * OFF When a plane leaves the ground What time did the plane take off?
TAKE * OFF + Remove In many culture, it is appropriate to take the shoes off when entering a house.
TAKE OFF Leave He took off after dinner.
TAKE OVER Take control of If the President dies, the Vice-President takes over.
TAKE * OUT + Accompany a person on a date (for dinner, the movies) I am taking Mary out to the movies.
TAKE * UP + Begin a new hobby Has your mom ever taken up any new hobbies since she moved here?
TAKE * UP + Discuss (at a later date) You should take this issue up in the meeting tomorrow.
TAKE * UP + Shorten a garment when sewing This dress is too long, I am going to take it up.
TAKE UP + Occupy space The coach takes up too much space in this living room,

Mais phrasal verbs com a letras T:

Conheça a seguir mais dos principais phrasal verbs com a letra T:

TALK BACK Respond in an impolite way to an adult Don’t talk back!
TALK * OVER + Discuss I hope Bob and Sally talk their relationship problems over before they get divorced.
TEAR * DOWN + Destroy The county decided to tear down the old library.
TEAR * UP + Tear or rip into small pieces I always tear up my personal papers before I throw them out.
TELL ON + Report a crime to the police or bad behavior to a parent If you go out, I’ll have to tell on you.
THINK * OVER + Consider Think over the offer before you sign the contract.
THINK * THROUGH + Consider carefully I need to think this through carefully  before I make a decision.
THINK * UP + Create or invent a false story I need to think up an excuse for not going to school.
THROW + AWAY + Discard Don’t throw away these bottles; you can recycle them.
THROW UP Vomit If you drink too much, You might throw up!
TIE * UP + Tie securely When we dock, make sure you tie the boat up.
TIRE * OUT Cause someone to be very tired Speaking English all day tires me out.
TRY * ON + Put on to make sure a piece of clothe fits. Try on this shirt before you buy it.
TRY * OUT Test Try out this massage chair. It feels great!

Phrasal Verbs com TURN

Para fechar nossa lista dos principais phrasal verbs com a letra T, vamos apresentar uma super seleção feita pelos tutores nativos do Cambly, apenas com o verbo TURN:

TURN * AWAY Refuse to deal with or give service They turned us away at the boarder cause we didn’t have visas.
TURN * DOWN + Refuse an offer She turned down the new job in NYC.
TURN * DOWN + Lower the volume of a TV, radio I’m reading. Please, turn down the TV.
TURN * IN Submit Please, turn you essays in !
TURN IN Go to bed (inf.) It’s getting late. I think it’s time to turn in.
TURN INTO + Become something different When she kissed the frog, it turned into a handsome prince.
TURN * OFF + Stop the function of (a stove, a water faucet, a car, etc.) Don’t forget to turn off the iron before you leave the house.
TURN * ON + Cause to be excited sexually The smell of cinnamon turns many people on.
TURN * ON + Start the function of a TV, radio, a machine. Turn on the TV, please.
TURN * OUT Produce The weaver can turn out  two or three rugs a month.
TURN * OUT Switch off a light Turn out the lights before tou go to bed.
TURN OUT End up being She turned out to be the murderer after all.
TURN UP Find unexpectedly My keys turned up in my bedroom.

Quer conhecer mais dos principais phrasal verbs com outras letras do alfabeto? Não deixe de ler nossos outros posts do nosso Blog Inglês Online sobre gramática inglesa e a utilização dos verbos frasais em inglês.

138 thoughts on “Principais Phrasal Verbs: Letra T

  • Juan Carlos Torres Benitez

    As frases mais usadas em series


    Muito bom o artigo! Quero ganhar o prêmio!

  • Jobin Pereira

    Show de bola! por isso curto o blog! sempre com dicas boas!

  • Eduarda Coimbra Leal


  • Really helpful! Another important thing is that there are the collocations right aside! Loved it!

  • marceloleda

    Cambly é a melhor ferramenta de inglês já inventada !

  • José Vitor

    meu deus… são muitos haha. Mas top o conteúdo.

  • Letícia Amâncio

    Muita coisa. Obg pela dica

  • eduarda fava

    Amo demais o cambly ! Melhores posts

  • eduarda fava

    Melhor conteúdo!

  • João Victor

    Conteúdo muito bom!

  • André Carboni

    P/ mim o mais difícil no inglês são os phrasal verbs, aqueles que a gente pouco pratica é muito difícil de lembrar quando se precisa ou se ouve

  • Bianca

    Muito bom, show!

  • Pharsal verbs sem duvida é um desafio constante para todos alunos.

    • Marcelo

      Nossa são pharsal verbs demais para aprender, e olha que esses são apenas com uma letra do alfabeto.

  • Lucas

    T sound sometimes are very hard!!!

  • E um app muito bem, diferenciado!

  • Jean Victor

    Partiu Fluency!

  • Italo Costa

    I wanna the gift. Congrats for your content.

  • João Pedro

    Obrigado pelo post!!

  • miguel henrique galvani

    Show, amo os posts de phrasal verbs

  • bruna leal

    muito útil, obrigada cambly!


    MUITO BOAS essas dicas

    • Kesia

      Nossa, vai me ajudar muito


    Muito bom. Phrasal verbs é sempre um desafio. Ler jornais e acompanhar séries ajudam a memorizar essas belezuras…

  • Tiago Silva de Souza

    Eu achava que nunca iria aprender os Phrasal Verbs, mas com a ajuda de vocês tenho evoluido bastante. Estão de parabéns!


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