Ep.58 – Aula de inglês | Top 5 Dicas para se Preparar para o IELTS



Ep.58 – Aula de inglês | Top 5 Dicas para se Preparar para o IELTS | Inglês Online  podcasts!

Teacher Ca: Podcast – Aprenda Inglês Online. The best way to improve your English.

Teacher Ca: Hi there, welcome. Estamos começando mais um podcast do Cambly. Eu
sou a Teacher Ca e você que nos escuta, nos ouve pelo podcast, nós também
estamos com o podcast no YouTube. Você acessa o YouTube e você vai em Cambly
Brasil e você pode ter acesso aos nossos podcasts. Você ativa a notificação que toda
vez que colocarmos um novo podcast, você vai ser notificado e aí você pode assistir
nossas aulinhas também em vídeo, estamos com essa novidade, além de assistir em
vídeo, temos legendado também esse episódio totalmente em inglês. Qual é o
episódio de hoje? Falaremos de quê? Falaremos hoje das cinco dicas essenciais para
quem quer tirar o seu certificado do IELTS, que é um certificado internacional
reconhecido mundialmente, IELTS: I que significa International,  que significa
English, “L”/Language, T/Test e S/System. Então esse tutor, ele vai falar tudo
sobre esse certificado. Vamos ouvir? Vamos conferir?

M: Let it begin.

Alexis: Today I’m going to teach you five top tips about IELTS and how to get the
most from your exam. Yes, it’s a test of your English but not just a test of your
English it also looks at how well you can do in the IELTS exam. So even a native
speaker, even someone who was born and raised in England if they took the IELTS
exam without preparing for the test they would not get a top mark. That’s not to say
their English is bad but they haven’t prepared for the tests. So some of this lesson
today will be how to prepare for the and how to prepare your English both sides are
important. So having said that the first thing you need for IELTS is a strong grasp of
the English language you need to be able to speak you need to be able to write and
read with confidence. Even a native speaker would struggle to take the IELTS exam
without preparing for it. You need to be able to both speak English but also you
need to be able to do the test well. Having said that’s the first thing I want to talk
about when preparing for the IELTS is having a strong level of English starting with
confidence, relatively mistake-free, some advanced grammar. This is a basic must.
The advice I give to a lot of students when they want to take IELTS is, first of all, don’t
prepare for the exam, prepare your English. Make sure that you’re confident with
your grammar and not just knowing the rules but also using it with confidence, using
it without mistakes and naturally. Make sure that you are able to tell people what
you want to tell them and this is not I’ll specific or even TOEFL specific but a good
way to start learning how to pass this test. Let me give you an example specifically
from IELTS and the speaking part: the questions are actually very easy: “Tell me
about your family”. Even me with my limited Turkish I could tell you I have one

sister, I have a mother and all the basic things about my family. But that’s not going
to get you the highest mark. Communication is key, but showing that your English is
very good, proving that you’ve got a wide vocabulary, a strong grammatical base,
these are the important parts or replying to this question. Let’s say, for example,
they asked me: “Tell me about your family”. I say have one mother and one sister.
Technically I answered the question, but you’re not going to get a very high mark. If
we take a look at the Cambly website there is a whole host of example responses
you can give to questions like this. In the beginning, you might want to memorize
them or learn how to respond and later on, it will become natural for you to give the
right amount of detail in the right amount of time with the right amount of
appropriate vocabulary. So let’s look at the model answer from the Cambly website
“tell me about your family”. Well, besides my mom and my dad I have three siblings.
I have to say that I’m lucky to be part of this family. See? How it’s not actually an
extremely long answer but we used sibling which is an unusual word, we conveyed a
lot more information and actually if you want to check out more of these answers
and exactly how to respond to these questions you can check the link on the Cambly
website. By the time you get into the exam room you should be so familiar with the
exam formats that nothing should faze you, nothing should stop you from getting
a high mark. There will, of course, be a few words you don’t know, there will course be
some questions that are hard for you this is normal for any person. But it should be
so easy and, so natural for you now. You’ve done it a hundred times, you’ve
practiced exactly how many words you’re going to write. Let’s take an example of
the writing exam. We know there will be two parts to it 150 words and 250 words.
When you get to the second part you know it’s worth twice as much as the first part.
You’re gonna write sixty words in the introduction, you’re gonna write this sentence
first, you’re gonna answer this in this way. It’s not gonna be blind. This is so
important. So your level of English is good what next? Well, to get the best marks it’s
not just enough to know the language you should also know something about the
customs, or something about local traditions. So just learning about Christmas, New
year, Easter some of the major holidays. You can watch the news, you can ask
friends. There are so many resources available. This is really important not only will
improve your language skills but it will also get you using native words. How about
talking about Brexit? Breaks it for those who don’t know is Britain, England leaving
the EU. This is on all the news stations right now and something very appropriate in
politics and culture. So you have a good level of English, you understand the culture and
specific English words. What next? Another important point is learning the format
after the exam. So that you get the exam and you don’t even have to think about it
right. First I’m gonna do this. I have 20 minutes I know exactly how many sentences
I’m going to write. This is so important. I can’t tell you that even for a native speaker
this would be important. This means a few things: first of all, you know exactly how
much time you have, you can maximize your time. Some people might think that
IELTS is 3 hours of hell, 3 hours of having to write and speak English. But actually it’s

a chance for you to show your knowledge to make the most of those 3 hours and
get the highest score possible. To do that you need to know the format. In this vein,
you should also have some phrases memorized and I don’t mean whole answers but
things like: “if I had the time I would” and these sentences you can easily manipulate
according to your answer. You should also practice so much, work hard. This is what
will get you through IELTS. Getting to the points where nothing can stop you. Finally,
the most important thing for IELTS is patience and hard work. This is a hard exam, it’s
a hard exam. You will struggle, you will want to give up, I am sure. But you need to
keep going. This is not a “if I work hard, I will get a high mark?”. You have to work
hard. It’s not me trying to tell you not to take the exam I’m just trying to prepare you
Cambly has a whole host of tutors who are experts and teaching IELTS, like me.
We’ve got experience, we’ve taken people through the process and more than that,
there are lesson plans and resources available all over the Cambly websites. There’s
no better place to learn.

Teacher Ca: Essa foi a nossa conversa com o tutor Alexis do Cambly. Eu sou a
Teacher Ca e espero que vocês tenham gostado. Não esqueçam de ir lá no YouTube
deixar o seu Like, se increver no canal para vocês receberem sempre as notificações
dos nossos podcasts. Eu aguardo vocês aqui no próximo episódio e espero que
tenham gostado. Bye. Take care.

You can, You Cambly.

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